AWS WAF - Web Application Firewall
- Protects web applications from common web exploits (Layer 7)
- WAF can be deployed on Application Load Balancer, API Gateway and CloudFront
- To use WAF we need to define a Web Access Control List (ACL):
- Rules can include: IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body or URI strings
- Protects from common attacks such as SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Size constraint
- Geo-match, block certain countries
- Rate-based rules, for DDoS protection
AWS Firewall Manager
- Manage rules in all accounts of an AWS Organization
- We define a common set of security rules in Firewall Manager. These rules can contain WAF rules
- Firewall manager can also manage AWS Shield Advanced
- It can also manage Security Groups for EC2 and ENI resources in VPC