EC2 High Availability and Scalability - Load Balancers and Auto Scaling Groups

AWS Certified SysOps Notes

EC2 High Availability and Scalability - Load Balancers and Auto Scaling Groups

Scalability and High Availability

High Availability

Load Balancing Introduction

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Types of Load Balancers

Health Checks

Application Load Balancers (v2)

Network Load Balancers (v2)

Got to Know

Load Balancer Stickiness

Load Balancer for SysOps

Load Balancer Pre-Warming

Load Balancer Error Codes

SSL for Older Browser

LB Common Troubleshooting

Load Balancing Monitoring

Load Balancers Access Logs

Application Load Balancer Request Tracing

LB Troubleshooting Using Metrics

Auto Scaling Groups

ASG - Types of Scaling

ASG Scaling Policies

Scaling Cool-downs

ASG Scaling Termination Policies

  1. Determine which AZ hast the most instances
  2. Determinate which instance to terminate so as to align the remaining instances to the allocation strategy for the On-Demand or Spot instances
  3. Determine whether any of the instances uses the oldest launch template
  4. Determine whether any of the instances uses the oldest launch configuration
  5. If there are multiple unprotected instances to terminate, determine which is closest to the next billing hour

ASG Summary

Scaling Processes in ASG

ASG for Sysops

Troubleshooting ASG issues

CloudWatch Metrics for ASG