DNS is a collection of rules and records which helps clients to understand how to reach a server through its domain name
In AWS, the most common records are:
A: hostname to IPv4
AAAA: hostname to IPv6
CNAME: hostname to hostname
Alias: hostname to AWS resource
Route 53 can use:
Public domain we own
Private domain names that can be resolved in our VPCs
Route 53 has advanced features such as:
Load balancing (through DNS - also called client load balancing)
Health checks
Route policy: simple, failover, geo-location, latency, weighted, multi value
We pay $0.5 per moth per hosted zone
DNS Record TTL
DNS Record TTL - Time to Live: used to not overload the DNS server with queries. We can set a TTL for a DNS, while the TTL is not passed, the client wont hit the DNS server
High TTL (example: 24h):
Less traffic on the DNS server
Possibility to have outdated records
Low TTL (example: 60s):
More traffic on the DNS server
Records are outdated for more often
Easy to change records
It is mandatory for each DNS record the specify a TTL
CNAME vs Alias
AWS resources (LB, CloudFront) expose a AWS hostname
Points a hostname to any other hostname
It only works for non root domains!
Points a hostname to an AWS resource
Work for both root and non-root domains
They are free of charge
Have native health check capabilities
Health Checks
An IP is healthy if it fails X (default 3) health checks in a row
After X health checks passed it can become available again
Default health checks interval is 30 seconds, with possibility of fast health checks (up to 10s)
About 15 health checkers will check the endpoint health => one request every 2 seconds on average
We can have HTTP, TCP and HTTPS health checks (no SSL verification)
Health checks can be integrated with CloudWatch
Health checks can be linked to Route 53 DNS queries
Simple Routing Policy
We can use it when we need to redirect to a single resource
We can’t attach health checks to simple routing policies
If multiple values are return, a radom IP is chosen by the client
Weighted Routing Policy
Controls the percentage of the requests which go to specific end-points
Helpful to test a given percentage of traffic on new application version
Helpful to split traffic between regions
Can be associated with multiple health checks
Latency Routing Policy
Redirects to the server that has the least latency close to the user
Latency is evaluated in terms of user to designated AWS region
Failover Routing Policy
Requires a primary record and a secondary record (disaster recovery)
If the primary record fails, traffic is routed to the secondary record
Requires a health check in order to work, failover is detected based on health checks
Geo-location Routing Policy
It is routing based on the user’s location
We can specify where the traffic should be routed if the user is requesting from an IP that originates from a country
Requires a default policy (in case there is no match for a location)
Geo-proximity Routing Policy
It is also routing based on the user’s location
We can optionally choose to route more traffic or less to a given resource by specifying a value known as bias
To use geo-proximity routing, we must use Route 53 traffic flow
We create geo-proximity rules for our resources and specify one of the following values for each rule:
If we are using AWS resources, the AWS Region that you created the resource in
If we are using non-AWS resources, the latitude and longitude of the resource
Multi Value Routing Policy
Can be used when we need to route traffic to multiple resources and we want to associate Route53 health checks to the records
It will return up to 8 healthy records for each Multi Value query
It is not a substitute for Elastic Load Balancer!
Route 53 as a Registrar
A domain name registrar is an organization that manages the reservation of internet domain names. Some domain registrars are: GoDaddy, Google Domain and also Route 53
It is possible to use a third party domain registrar with AWS. In order to use a domain bought from the third party, we have to do the following:
Create a hosted zone in Route53
Update NS records on 3rd party website to use Route 53 name servers